• (208)743-8159

  • 3434 6th Street, Lewiston, ID

  • Sunday Worship 9:00 A.M.

Was the Advent Wreath a result of the Reformation?

The first Advent wreaths began to appear in the 16th Century in Germany. This is not a direct result of the Reformation, but it could be argued that as Roman Catholic faith practices were being eliminated from the lives of believers that other practices entered into the vacuum. The original Advent wreath had candles for each day of Advent — 28 — and the candles were white and red. The wreath was set up on a wagon wheel.

The Advent wreaths we know today have purple and pink candles (symbolizing  repentance) or blue candles (symbolizing hope). Regardless of the color or number of the candles, the purpose of the wreath remains the same, counting down to the celebration of  the birth of the Christ child.